Have you ever thought you might be paying too much for your dog food? Have you wondered if your choice is a good choice? Are you worried about who to trust?
Out of literally 1000's of dog foods across the USA and Canada, Dogs For The Earth is on THE LIST 2021 of Pet Foods I Would Trust To Give My Own Pets, by Truth About Pet Food.
The 2021 List of pet foods I trust to give my own pets by Susan Thixton, Pet Food Consumer Advocate
For 10 years, Susan has compiled the Ultimate Dog Food List. You might not know Susan, but The FDA (Federal Department of Agriculture) and AAFCO (The Association of American Feed Control Officers) and other dog food regulatory movers and shakers know who she is. (Because she’s the one standing amid all the money makers demanding consumer rights)
You’ve probably heard about results of her hard work and appreciate that a woman is out there tirelessly fighting for fair labeling practices, discontinued use of unsafe raw materials, transparent ingredient sourcing, safer manufacturing & healthier processing techniques. (Sometimes she’s shedding light to open minds about archaic techniques, other times she’s addressing dark hearts deliberately using legal loopholes and loose regulations to increase profits.)
Susan Thixton isn’t biased. No pet food company pays to be on THE LIST. She is not educating from a specific angle to sell a product like some high profile researchers do; she’s not trying to sell the products on The List. She is not influenced by any particular brand nor the latest feeding fad. Her efforts represent consumer concerns and she knows more about the horrors behind all the “bad” lists than we ever want to know.
She has gathered facts and concerns from a front row seat and board room participation in the meetings that currently shape the dog food industry and turned all her insider knowledge into a positive list for all of us Dog Lovers.
She knows who follows safe handling procedures, who can substantiate their advertising claims and who really makes the best dog food.
THE LIST is the result of all her many years of studying the dog food industry and a year of gathering specific data, compiling facts and double checking sources.
Dog food companies are required to provide verification of the quality of their ingredients. Susan looked for verification of country of origin of ingredients, verification to meats being sourced from humanely raised animals, testing procedures and human food manufacturing all of which require certification. It is significant to state that this verification step is not an easy one to make. All pet foods on The 2021 List provided verification.
THE LIST 2021, the best of the best, is available now.
We ask that you go get the list, read Susan’s websites like her Facebook page
(The Official pet food consumer advocacy website)
A $10 donation to get The List 2021 helps support your consumer advocate’s efforts. We think, after you read her Websites, you’ll want to donate more.
Its selfless dedicated people like Susan Thixton who help make this world a better place. Oh, and isn’t if wonderful she is adding a heartfelt woman’s touch to an industry dominated by men?
Let’s all show some love for Susan Thixton and support The List 2021
You’ve heard About Pet Fooled - the film, right? Featured in the film are veterinarians Dr. Karen Becker and Dr. Barbara Royal. And Susan is in it, too! (This is a rare appearance, you don’t usually SEE Susan. Rather, Susan is usually heard: loud and clear, standing up for our fur babies and their right for the healthy food they deserve)
(Well yes, of course your dog food, Dogs For The Earth, is on The List ... but that’s all we can tell you about it ...)
Want to know more about our 100% Organic Human Grade Ingredients?
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