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5 Quality of Life Essentials For You & Your Dog

5 quality of life essentials for you and your dog - dogs for the earth - organic dog food
When it comes to the essence of life, we share a lot with dogs.  Or should!

1.  Routine

Because dogs are creatures of habit, routine is very important.

If your dog knows when to expect the important things in life like mealtime, walk time & bed time your dog will be more content. 

Schedules should follow the natural rhythm of nature. If you serve breakfast 2 hours after sunrise today, your dog’s body will appreciate it if you do that again tomorrow and so on. Likewise, if dinner comes at 5 tonight and walkies at 6, following that predictable routine, every day, supports all your dog's bodily functions.  

Routine helps nervous dogs to calm down and relax.

Dogs, just like people, do best when the natural rhythm of nature is routinely part of Life.

2. Den

Dogs are, by nature, den creatures and every dog will appreciate a familiar spot to call their very own.

Dogs need their own space.

Dogs want a safe haven where they can go that means, "I'm resting-don't bother me." Or, "I'll watch from here." Include a comfy bed and blanket, and choose places where their back is not exposed.

Find a nook, create a space where they can be part of the family but not disturbed.  

Your dog needs a safety retreat.

Our Yorkie, Tiffy, has beds in every room because she never wants to be far from us. She knows that her bed is her space and that's where she can sleep peacefully or retreat during too much activity.

Dogs, just like people, need their own space.


3. Exercise

Did you know 70% of your dog's system is just like yours?

Increasing daily blood and oxygen flow is an important routine.

Stretching, walking and getting your dog's heart pumping is vital for vitality!

But you already knew that because we've all been told that since our first dash to the playground.  With 70% similarities, some things are just plain obvious and of course, your dogs' body needs exercise and so does yours!

Do some yoga with your dog and improve your Quality of Life (wink)

4. Nutrition

80% of your dog's immune system is in their gut. Clean, Organic, Human-Grade ingredients in a recipe created for your dog's body will have the most positive and least detrimental effect on your dog's immune system. 

Refuse to give your dog anything with questionable health risks.  Refuse to give your dog processed food.  Why bother with tedious comparisons of synthetic additives required with Industrial quality ingredients? Skip all the notorious, manufactured dog food with hidden consequences and free yourself from worry.

Relax in the calm security of 100% Organic Dehydrated dog food.

Dogs, just like people improve their health with pure and clean nutrition. 

5. Love

Love is the universal magic of life. Without love, all of the above essentials create a mere existence.

When our hearts are open and giving freely, when a generous spirit leads our way, when kindness and compassion guide our thoughts - we radiate and generate love.

When we embrace a lifestyle of expressing goodness and kindness our energy comforts and aids those around us.

Dogs offer devotion and unconditional love to all who accept it.

Dogs, just like people, thrive in a loving environment. 

5 quality of life essentials - dogs for the earth - organic dog food

Much love to all, from Kathy, Tiffy and The Crew at Dogs For The Earth

Don't Forget to Get your SAMPLE of our 100% Organic Dehydrated Dog Food


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