I don't think I've ever been so impressed with a company of any kind in my entire life! My review is long, but I have SO much praise to give to Dogs for the Earth!!!
First of all, the food has been a MIRACLE for my chihuahua puppy, Gracey. When we first rescued her, she was constantly itching her face, ears, shoulders, legs and chewing on her feet. Her tear stains were horrendous and her coat was rough. Her ears smelled bad and had brown discharge (which tested positive as an ear infection, but her symptoms remained after the infection cleared with a course of antibiotics). I figured that she had an allergy to something in her food, so I tried 2 of the best kibble brands for allergies on the market. I switched to raw. Nothing changed. THEN... I found DFTE. I transitioned her over 10 days, but she started to show signs of improvement over the first few days. About 4 or 5 days after she was solely on Chelsea's blend food and treats, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER SYMPTOMS HAD RESOLVED COMPLETELY. Not only that, her coat is as soft as a bunny and she smells GLORIOUS! Breath and all! She's happy and healthy and full of puppy joy!!!
I ran out of her magical food a few days ago (long story) and I had to transition her with what I had left of Chelsea's Blend back to raw. The itching and tear stains came back almost immediately. I placed my order late on Friday and wrote to the ladies at DFTE and they wrote back with the utmost caring and said that they'd get it out 1st thing Monday morning. We've corresponded many times and each message they've sent has been thoughtful and informative... and always with true concern for Gracey's wellbeing.
I'm SO grateful for Kathy, Annie (& Tiffy, of course)! You ladies are amazing! Thank you for all that you do for our fur babies!!! - Amy dG. 2018
My Dogs For The Earth Testimonial: I've never been so impressed!
- July 28, 2018